Troubled Waters, WOUB Edit (5:00) from Maria Averion on Vimeo.

WOUB Documentary Edit (5 minutes)

Software: Final Cut Pro, ProTools, LiveType
Description: I was contacted by WOUB about a documentary project we did for class on the DuPont C8 contamination in the Ohio River. The class was divided into teams for our final project and my team was made up of myself, Mike Burden, Lauren Malazia and Trevor Carmick. This class was actually in the T-Comm Department (Telecommunications) and all three of my teammates were T-Comm undergrad students in the film sequence. The subject was actually my idea and I did all the research and found all of the subjects for our documentary, as well as serving as the interviewer. I did not do a lot of work behind the camera for this project, but I did much of the editing in Final Cut Pro and all of the LiveType work.

We completed the doc as part of the class, which had to meet the class requirements, but there was a lot that had to be cut from the documentary. Since the project was a group project, we all had to agree on the direction and editing, so that had a bearing on the final result.

When WOUB contacted us, they wanted to show our project on an upcoming broadcast on life along local rivers, so we agreed to reedit our project and sell them limited, one-time rights to air our documentary. I negotiated the deal and also re-edited the project to update the information and to fit their requirements. I was limited by the team’s agreement that I would only reedit our finished version instead of completely changing the group project. WOUB never ended up paying us.

Year: 2009