Ohio University VisCom Courses

VICO 514 – Desktop Publishing/Intro to Pub Design (InDesign)
VICO 522 – Graduate Seminar
VICO 535 – Picture Editing
VICO 581 – Editorial Photography – Singles

VICO 522 – Graduate Seminar
VICO 571 – Digital Imaging (Photoshop)
VICO 512 – Advanced Info Graphics (Illustrator & Photoshop)

VICO 521 – Editorial Photography – Documentary/Essay
VICO 635 – Seminar in Visual Communication – VisCom Studies
VICO 586 – Advanced Photo Reportage I

VICO 523 – Publication Layout & Design
VICO 562 – Web Design II (Flash)
VICO 536 – Advanced Picture Editing

VICO 528 – Photo Illustration – Still Life (Studio) Audit
VICO 526 – Advanced Layout & Design
VICO 570 – Graphic Systems Management

TCOM 694 – Documentary Film
TCOM 694 – DVD Authoring (DVD Studio Pro)
VICO 541 – Editorial Illustration (Art)

VICO 520 – Video Production (Final Cut Pro)
VICO 561 – Web Design I (Dreamweaver)
VICO 520 – Advanced Multimedia Project: Soul of Athens

Classes Audited: Audio Editing (ProTools), Photography – Small Systems Lighting, Photo Illustration – Still Life (Studio Photography)

EARNED: 67.0 HOURS 3.322 GPA