Category: Portfolio

Red Badge Consulting Website

This company wanted to keep his site design, but there were issues with the site, so we switched it over to a WordPress site and added blogging. I used JavaScript and PHP to setup the interactivity. As with most of my sites, I design it and set it up and then I release it to the client and no longer have anything to do with the site.

PhotoShop Restoration Before & After Gallery

This is a series of Before and After pics from Image Restoration work that I have done over the years. When an image becomes a sepia color, it means it has aged, so when restoring images, I switch it back to the original B&W, unless the client desires the image to be Sepia toned. The Interface is a manual slider, so you can see and compare the before-and-after images.

The Washington Post, NewsDesk

I’d been trying to move to the NewsDesk for a while, but they liked me in my position in NewsIT, so I kept getting overlooked. But when a friend was going on maternity leave for 6 months, I got an opportunity to fill in for her. I designed pages in the Nation and World section, Business, Inside A and Metro, including section fronts.

The Sun News

Page Design Software: SII-Coyote, QuarkXPress, Adobe PhotoShop Description: Year: 1990-’94 Sometimes in life, you just find a place that you ‘know’ is right for you. This was how…