Category: JQuery

Kim Parson Website

This remote project was a WordPress Website for launching a small consulting business in the health field. A professional logo (with avatars and print & digital versions) was created for this site.

Iacono’s Pizza Website

This was a consulting job I was hired for to finish up a WordPress design job for Iacono’s Pizza. They had already chosen a theme and a designer had designed graphics, but I had to do some back-end work to get the staging server to work and I set up the site so we could start working on the design. This was kind of an enhanced editing job. I had to do a lot of formatting in the menu section and basically putting things into place, so they’d work. I tweaked the code to get it to look right.

Angie C Writer Website

This was a consulting job doing a WordPress Design/Development job for Angie Chatham is a freelance writer based out of Boston, who needed a portfolio website. This job was mostly WordPress work, with a little bit of design here and there. I also set up the backups, SEO, etc.

Getting Things Sewn Blog

This was a consulting job for the a woman who has a sewing blog. I redesigned her website and helped her organize it better.

American Chemical Society: WCC Website

This was a consulting job for the American Chemical Society in Washington, D.C. I did a contract for their sister company CAS (Chemical Abstracts Systems) in Columbus, OH and when American Chemical Society asked CAS for a recommendation for a WordPress person, they recommended me. The site they needed help with was for a group called Women Chemists Committee, a group of female members of the society.


This was a 1-year contract for a Web Content Development role, but then switched to a different title as Web Analyst for the Marketing Team at Chemical Abstracts (CAS) in Columbus, OH. The company was using Drupal for their website and we worked with Media Current to manage development on the site.

InXite Health Systems Website

This was a 2-month contract as a WordPress Developer for the Marketing Team at InXite Health Systems in Columbus, OH. The company had been working on three websites in WordPress and had a deadline to meet that was coming up soon. So we had 2 months to launch at least 2 of the sites. We ended up launching the day before the deadline. 🙂

Gigi’s Shelter for Dogs

This was a contract to fix problems with the website that was started by another designer. I redid the design and fixed several issues. The contract was through Robert Half. They have redesigned the site recently.

Lifelines Website

I won a bid to build a website for the University of Maryland School of Social Work. I helped organize the stories and reporters hired to do stories on Social Work for the site. The project was part of a special grant. I used JavaScript and PHP to setup the interactivity. As with most of my sites, I design it and set it up and then I release it to the client and no longer have anything to do with the site. I did purchase the domains for them and set up their hosting account. I organized the content with the help of the client.