Category: E-Commerce

Gigi’s Shelter for Dogs

This was a contract to fix problems with the website that was started by another designer. I redid the design and fixed several issues. The contract was through Robert Half. They have redesigned the site recently.

Alliance Data Systems

I managed and coordinated the design, editing, coding and execution of automated email messages for brand partners’ cardmembers, adhering to CAN-SPAM requirements and email best practices.

The Wasserstrom Company Digital & Print Design

I designed, set up and managed the company’s bi-weekly HTML email marketing campaign (sometimes more than bi-weekly). I designed e-mails in PhotoShop and after final approval, I sliced them up to transfer and code for ExactTarget Email Marketing tool for scheduling and management.

Baesman Design & Web

Design, set up and manage weekly Lucky Brand Jeans HTML-email marketing campaign. Take client-provided PSDs and slice them up to transfer and code for Exact Target Email Marketing tool for scheduling and management. Also manage a variety of other misc. digital projects for company, as well as design and prepare graphics and 2 web sites for their iPhone/Android App the company was test marketing, called